Flats at North Broadway
The 101 Ping Lane project in Eagle, Colorado is providing an opportunity to develop previously underutilized land to create a higher-density mixed-use community that offers a diversity in housing types with affordability that is consistent with the future master plan land use designation of Riverside Mixed-Use (RMU) as outlined in the Town of Eagle’s 2015 Eagle River Corridor Plan (ERCP). The site is along the hillside adjacent to the Eagle River and close to both downtown Eagle and the Eagle River Park; we embraced the site’s unique challenges to ensure an inviting gateway development for the Town of Eagle that will support pedestrian and trail connectivity goals; respect the adjacent watershed; deliver critical new workforce community housing units; create active open space amenities; and promote economic vitality through thoughtful mixed-use design and density to define a true sense of place.
This two-building workforce housing project was submitted for LIHTC funding and includes one hundred and thirty-eight units (138), a community room with kitchen, offices, bicycle storage, exercise room, flex spaces for informal gathering, and building support spaces and outdoor spaces. The proposed mix of units will include forty-one (41) one-bedroom units, seventy (70) two-bedroom units, and twenty-seven (27) three-bedroom units. Seven (7) units will be designated as accessible units (2-one-bedroom units, 3-two-bedroom units, and 2-three-bedroom units). Construction will be a wood-framed building with wood-framed stair and elevator cores, clad in masonry and fiber-cement siding. The North building will be a mix of wood framing and wood framing on podium.
SIZE: 143,117 GSF + South Building 107,176 GSF
CLIENT: Elmington Capital